Leading to Learn, Learning to Lead: Becoming a More Intentional, People-Centered Leader

In this webinar, Katie Anderson, leadership coach and lean consultant, will present on becoming a more intentional people-centered leader. Katie will share insights and practices about leadership and learning – and challenge you to set your intention for your personal improvement. She will provide you with examples from the forthcoming book “Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn” – the result of years of conversations between her and Isao Yoshino, a 40-year Toyota leader and John Shook’s first manager at Toyota – and both of their practices as leaders, coaches, and learners. View transcript: https://files.fisher.osu.edu/coe/public/2020-06/KatieAndersonTranscript.pdf?EEq7xnbSlIDGqG_LFF6N_LjhXHfS_IPz=